Principal's Blog for April 28

Good Afternoon Brent Kennedy Families!
Last full week of April! Our school community is certainly enjoying the warmer weather. We even had a visit from a group of elk this morning in our field.
Hopefully by this time, your child’s teacher will have connected with you regarding their point of progress as we enter the last stretch of schooling for the year. If you have not heard from your child’s teacher, please make sure to contact him/her. This time of year, school begins to ramp up. Lots of activities are being planned to include Fun Day, Grade 6 Moving Up Ceremonies, BK Talent Show and Welcome to Kindergarten. Please stay tuned for those dates to come out over the next couple of weeks.
This week we said farewell to Mr. Ty Smith who replaced our prep teacher, Ms. Heather Bury, during her absence. We look forward to having Ms. Bury return on Monday!
A big thank you to the PAC for purchasing more items for the outdoor bins. However, we are noticing that students are forgetting to return the items to the bins and they are often left out overnight, even over the weekend. Please remind your child that if they use equipment from the school that it gets returned to its proper home once the bell goes.
At this month’s assembly, our focus was on Earth Day and what students could do to reduce our carbon footprint. Special thanks to all the student volunteers who helped read at the assembly!
A friendly reminder that swimming lessons for Mr. McRann’s, Mrs. Koorbatoff’s and Ms. Long’s classes start on Tuesday. Please ensure your child remembers to bring their bathing suit and a towel on that day.
We still have plenty of spots left in our Kindergarten class for the upcoming year. If you know of a family whose child is turning 5 by December 31, 2023, they are eligible to register. Please encourage them to stop by the school to fill out the registration paperwork.
Hoping you all have the opportunity to enjoy the sunshine this weekend!
Jenn Kooznetsoff
Principal, Brent Kennedy Elementary