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Principal's Blog for December 4


Good Morning, BK Families!

We are now on the home stretch!  Two more weeks of school!  This week and next, the students and their teachers will be busy preparing for the Christmas Concert on December 12.  Please remember there are two showings:  10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.  Please attend one showing only so that we can ensure all parents have the opportunity to see the performance!

We are still in need of blue bed sheets for our backdrop.  If you have any, please bring them to the office.  We are also looking for scraps of white and brown fabric that could be cut or torn and used as scarves for our performance.  That may be dropped off at the office as well.

Purdy’s and poinsettia orders have now arrived and are ready for pick-up.  Please pick-up from the school today, December 4, by 3:30 p.m.  Thank you for supporting our school through these fundraising efforts!

Now that the snow has arrived, we ask that students have a change of clothes, particularly socks, that they can keep on their hook to use if needed.  Further, ensure your child has a good pair of boots to keep their feet warm and dry as well as a proper winter coat.  Also please ensure that your child has a pair of inside shoes as students cannot be in the school in sock feet as it is a safety concern. 

Next Thursday, December 14, the PAC will be providing students with pizza lunch including a juicebox and a candy cane!  Thank you for this special treat before the holidays!

Reminder of the PAC meeting next Monday, December 11 from 5:30-7 p.m. in the library.  All are welcome!

Wishing you all a wonderful week!  Stay safe!

Mrs. Kooznetsoff