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Principal's Blog for February 12


Good Morning Brent Kennedy Families,

I would like to begin by thanking all of those who helped with the Cake Bingo on Friday night, particularly our PAC executive and parent volunteers!  It was a fun night with great attendance!  Everyone looked like they were having a good time!  It was a full house!  Thank you for coming out to support our PAC and our school.  It’s great to see the community coming together.

I would also like to thank those who donated to the silent auction.  There was such a variety of items!  It takes a lot of work and organization putting these types of events together.  Your efforts are very much appreciated!

This Wednesday, Mrs. Marken and Ms. Radridge’s classes are going cross-country skiing at the Nelson Nordic ski club.  We are always looking for parent volunteers.  Please ensure your criminal record check is done and you have filled out the volunteer form for the school.  The Intermediates will also be going to Red Mountain that day so it looks like it will be a quiet day at school with so many students away.

As you are aware, we are full-on in cold and flu season.  The stomach bug seems to be going through our school community. If your child isn’t feeling well or is complaining of an upset stomach, please keep them home so we do not infect more children. Thank you for your cooperation. 

Please remind your child that if they are a bus student, they are to come to the covered area immediately after school and remain there until their bus arrives.  Students are hanging out on the sides of the school where we do not have adult supervision.  This becomes a safety issue.  We need to have eyes on all students at all times. 

Valentine’s Day is on Wednesday!   Your child is welcome to bring valentines and treats.  We would ask that you bring enough for all students.  Check with your child’s teacher as there may be allergies, or food sensitivities in the class.

Brent Kennedy T-shirts are still for sale!  If you are interested in purchasing one for yourself or for your child, please contact a PAC member directly and they can get you set up with an order form. 

This Friday is Pro-D which means there is no school for students.  Teachers will be working on professional development that day.  Monday, February 16 is Family Day so you will have a 4-day weekend!  Enjoy your time off!


Jenn Kooznetsoff
