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Principal's Blog for January 22


Good Afternoon Brent Kennedy Families,

It is great to have some snow for the students to play in but unfortunately we cannot open the sledding hill due to the septic work that continues to be done on the field and surrounding areas.  That being said, the students are handling it beautifully and are finding alternate ways to burn off their energy.  As a reminder in the cold weather, please remind your child to dress appropriately as students are not to come into the school before the bell.  We also ask that students not stick their tongue to poles, touch railings with wet hands, or throw snowballs as all three examples, as well as others, can result in serious injury.  Please remind your child of this should the weather become severely cold again. 

If you are picking up your child from school, please make sure to do so in a safe manner.  We do not want students running across the parking lot as it is very slippery.  Further, ensure you are driving slow as the conditions can make it harder to stop. 

The Superintendent of Schools, Ms. Trish Smillie, stopped by Brent Kennedy last week and was able to look inside classrooms and have conversations with students, staff and the PAC.  She was happy to see and hear about all the wonderful things happening at our school.

Next Tuesday, January 30 marks our last day of primary skating.  February brings primary cross-country skiing and intermediate downhill skiing.  The students are waiting with anticipation to attend these exciting field-trips.  Again, a reminder to ensure that your child is dressed for the weather.  Having an extra set of clothes kept in the backpack is always a good idea. 

A big thanks to the PAC for all the things they do to make our school smell so delicious.  Taking on borscht is no small feat!  We are so fortunate to have such a robust hot lunch program at our school, plus all the free popcorn days. 

Thanks to all of you who have completed your criminal record checks.  Please make sure you have also completed the district volunteer package as well and I will keep it in the file.  It’s great to see so many parents/guardians interested in taking part in school activities!

Wishing you all a wonderful week!

Jenn Kooznetsoff, Principal