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Principal's Blog for June 2


Good Afternoon Brent Kennedy Families!

I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be taking a medical leave of absence starting June 9th.  I will miss the staff and students dearly and I wish all of you a wonderful summer that is full of joy, adventure and relaxation!  It has been such a busy year that it’s hard to believe that it’s almost over.  In my absence, Mr. Giles will be Acting Principal.

Today we took a picture of all our students in their Brent Kennedy t-shirts!  Thank you to our wonderful PAC for providing these to each member of our school community.  It truly gives us all a sense of belonging.


A reminder that tonight, the Multi-age class is hosting a Tabletop game night from 5-8 p.m. in our gym.  Admission is free and there will be lots of door prizes to be won. In addition, the PAC will be running the concession and there will be a game trading table.

Our lending library is getting lots of use!  Many times students will choose to pick a book from the library and sit in the shade and read.  If you have any books you would like to donate to the lending library, please bring them to the school and we will add them to the cycle. 

 On Wednesday, May 31, we hosted our first of two Welcome to Kindergarten events.  We still have many spots available in our Kindergarten classes for next year.  If you or you know of a family who has a child that will be turning 5 by December 31, 2023, they are welcome to register.  Please pop into the school to sign the forms and provide the required documentation.  The next Welcome to Kindergarten event is June 7 from 1:15-2:15 p.m. in the Kindergarten rooms.

Enjoy the beautiful sunshine this weekend!


Mrs. Kooz