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Principal's Blog for March 17

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Good Afternoon Brent Kennedy Families,

We have reached Spring Break!  Although Spring doesn’t officially start for a few more days, the beautiful warmth of the sunshine helps perk up the mood after many months of cold, dark and snowy days. 

A big thank you goes out to the Hot Lunch Program Volunteers; they made 170 quesadillas on Thursday.  Please see pictures below.  Volunteering in our school can be very rewarding.  There will be a volunteer orientation this Spring for those parents/guardians who are interested in becoming a volunteer.  More information to come after Spring Break.

Swimming lessons right after the break.  Please ensure you have read the letter that was emailed out.  All swimming fees are now past due and must be paid as soon as possible.  This allows payment to the complex to ensure they have proper staffing.  Unlike previous years, students will be receiving only 4 lessons. This is due to changes in operating hours at the complex, availability of the pool, as well as staffing.  I am sure the students will have a great time. Special thanks to the PAC for paying $5 per student to help cover costs.  Swimming lessons now cost $27.25 and can be paid via cheque, cash, debit or online.  If you have any questions, please contact the office.  If you are experiencing hardship, please reach out to me directly.  Special thanks to our secretary, Liane for keeping all the classes organized.  It is a large task organizing whole school events, including lots of money and paperwork coming into the office. We all appreciate her hard work!

The PAC is working on school t-shirts both for staff and students. This is being done to help create a sense of belonging in our school, which is always one of our school goals. We are thankful to the PAC for all the initiatives they take to help create a warm and welcoming climate in our building. 

We also had a guest visit our school this week.  Author Sarah Elliman shared her latest books with us.  We are grateful to have visitors into our school to help provide rich learning experiences for our students.  If you would like more information about Sarah, she may be contacted at


Wishing you all a wonderful two-week break.  Students will return to school on April 3.


Warm regards,

Mrs. Kooznetsoff
