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Principal's Blog November 18

Good Afternoon BK Families!

This week we are expecting our Art Cards for Kids to arrive; this should allow for plenty of time to get them to your friends and family before Christmas.  Thank you to Michelle Harris for her help with this.

Thank you to those of you who attending last week's PAC meeting, including our special guests.  A big thank you to our new executive for running a smooth and relaxing meeting.  There are lots of great ideas in the works.

An online assembly was held last week to recognize student birthdays for September, October and November.

This past week, our Craft Days began, being lead by Ms. Koorbatoff and Ms. Long.  There was a great response from the intermediate students.  All students that are interested are welcome to attend.

Ms. McRann continues to do indoor soccer twice per week and Mr. McRann does volleyball with the intermediate students

Hopefully this past week, you were able to connect with your child's teacher on early dismissal days.  This is a great time to learn about your child's point of progress and things that you can work on at home to support their learning.

Winter activities for the primary students have now been booked.  This includes one skating day, one snowshoe day and two cross country ski days. Once all the dates and bussing have been confirmed, you will be receiving some fieldtrip paperwork from your child's teacher.

The Lost and Found is beginning to overflow. Please come in to see if anything belongs to your child.  Next week, I will be gathering up all non-claimed items and bringing them to the thrift stores.

As we have had many students sick, please ensure that your phone number and emergency contacts are up to date.  Students that become ill during school hours are to wait in the sick room until someone is able to come pick them up.  Please try and keep your children home if they are sick and contagious.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the office.  Wishing you all a wonderful week!

Warm regards,

Mrs. Kooznetsoff

Principal, Brent Kennedy Elementary