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Principal's Blog for November 21


Good Afternoon BK Families!

The school is buzzing with excitement and activity as we quickly approach December.  This Monday, your child’s report card will be published to the parent portal on the My Ed platform.  Instructions on how to access this will be sent out in a separate email today.  If you require a hard copy, please let your child’s teacher know as well as if you need more than one. 

Thank you to the PAC for their fundraising efforts for the school.  Art Cards have arrived and the deadline for ordering poinsettias and Purdy’s Chocolates was Monday.  We hope to receive all orders around December 4. I will send an email out once everything has arrived and has been packaged up.

This year, our Christmas Concert will be on December 12.  We will have two showings: one at 10:00 a.m. and the other at 1:00 p.mFamilies are to attend one showing only.  This allows enough space for all families to come watch. 

The Grade 4 students will be wrapping up FSAs this week.  Marking takes place on Thursday at the board office. 

Last week, we celebrated our first School Spirit Day.  A big thank you to our student leadership team for preparing for this day.  On Friday, students will gather in the gym for Destination Imagination while the teachers have collaboration time. The students will be creating a project with limited supplies.  I look forward to seeing what they create!

Just a friendly reminder that we have a no cell phone policy at our school.  Students may bring their cell phones to school but they are to remain in their backpack or given to myself or their teacher for the day.

Another reminder that students are not to be in the school before the bell except when using the washroom.  As the mornings are colder, students are sneaking in and hiding in the school.  Please remind your child to dress appropriately so this rule is followed. 

Enjoy your week!


Jenn Kooznetsoff, Principal