Principal's Blog November 25
Good Morning BK Families!
Things are getting very busy around the school! It’s a time when students start to get excited about the holidays and with that comes a ramping up of behavior. We remind students of expected behaviour regularly and hope that they can finish off the next few weeks on a positive note. Respect must be shown at all times to staff and students. Some students are struggling to make good choices. Please check-in with your child and make sure they understand what expected behaviours look like at school.
Our Christmas Concert, entitled, “The Littlest Christmas Tree”, will take place on December 14 at 1:30 p.m. and December 15 at 1:30 p.m. Please note that we have over 200 students in our building, so we ask that you come to one showing only and keep your group to immediate family members so that each family has an opportunity to see the performance. After the performance, you are welcome to take your child home. Please just check-in with your child’s teacher before leaving.
If your child is absent and you would still like to collect your hotlunch, please email with your child’s name and class, and if would like to pick up, send home with a friend or sibling, or saved for next day. If we do not here from you by 12:00 Thursday, lunch will be donated to someone else.
These past few weeks, teachers have been connecting with you regarding your child’s point of progress. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have not been able to meet yet.
Field trip forms will be going out after the holiday break to families for winter activities. One form will need to be signed and returned to the school. The new forms are used in all schools across the district. In order to attend these activities, students must show appropriate and respectful behaviour in the school as these activities are a privilege.
Please come in and check the Lost and Found; there are many items, particularly hoodies!
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the office.
Mrs. Kooznetsoff