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Principal's Blog for October 17


Principal Blog

October 17, 2023


Good Morning BK Families!


We wish to welcome Ms. Ainsley Ward to Grade 1/2!  Ms. Ward is taking over for Ms. Christie while she is away on leave.  We are excited to have her join the Brent Kennedy team!


A person and person standing in a room with a counter and a bag of popcorn</p>
<p>Description automatically generatedToday we did our first fire drill and it went off without a hitch!  The students and staff exited quickly and quietly.  Well done! 

Thanks to PAC executive members Corinne and Lena for providing school-wide popcorn last week!  It’s always a big hit!

Special thanks goes out to all families who donated to the Terry Fox Foundation.  Our school raised over $900!  Way to go!  Thank you to the PAC for providing juiceboxes!

There will be extensive repairs to the septic system as it has been determined by Operations that a new septic field needs to be done.  I will pass on more details as I have them.

A collage of photos on a red wall</p>
<p>Description automatically generatedStudent leadership team starts this month for Grade 5/6 students.  Students will be involved in the planning of school activities such as spirit days, as well as leading groups of students in different events happening throughout the school.  As a team member, students will build capacity on what it means to be a leader, what skills are needed, and how we can build self-esteem and self-confidence.  It gives the students a sense of belonging and ownership.  I’m super excited to get started.  Our first meeting will be tomorrow.

A close-up of a drawing</p>
<p>Description automatically generatedVolleyball has started for 5/6 and Mrs. McRann will be starting indoor soccer soon.

This week, parent volunteer forms will go out; all parents required to complete a criminal record check.  School handbook also to go out this week.

The book fair is this week!  Students can shop today and parents can come in on Wednesday and Thursday mornings (8:00-8:30) and after school (2:30-4) to shop for books.  Profits from the book fair allow us to buy new books for our library as well as allowing teachers to have new books for their classroom library.  Come check it out!  These make great Christmas gifts!

Please get your school fees paid as soon as possible.  Teachers use this money to buy school supplies for the students.

Have a great week everyone!