Principal's Blog October 27

Good Afternoon Brent Kennedy Families!
I am happy to be back at school with the staff and students after my recent medical leave. It is wonderful to see all of the fantastic things that are happening in our school. This is a busy time of year!
This month we have had a change in PAC members. I would like to thank the outgoing executive for all of their hard work and passion that they brought to the school. We couldn't do it without you! I would like to welcome the new members that have stepped up. Volunteering takes commitment as I know how busy all of you are! Please watch for correspondence from the PAC in the weeks to come. There are 3 fundraising opportunities that the PAC has undertaken: Art Cards for Kids (which should be here in time for you to send out for Christmas), Purdy's Chocolates and Poinsettias. There are many other roles that the PAC takes on during the year including the Hot Lunch Program, Popcorn Days and Hungry Kids Program, to name just a few!
Special thanks goes out to Mr. Giles for his role as Acting Principal during my absence. He also lobbied his friends for 110 fresh pumpkins from his friends in Creston for our school. The students have been busy digging into these this week and their creations are amazing. The students had so much fun!
This Monday is Halloween and we will be bringing back the Halloween parade. I will email the time out once I have it. Students may wear their costumes to school. Please remember that all costumes must be appropriate for school.
This week, I continue to faciliatate FSAs with the Grade 4 students. These will be wrapped up during the week of November 7.
We are now having in-person assemblies. The frequency of these events is yet to be determined. The students did great in the very first one held a few weeks ago!
Something else of note is that we are experiencing a shortage of bus drivers. This is an issue district-wide but we are feeling it in the Slocan Valley. As a result, this may affect off-site fieldtrips. We are doing our very best to remedy, put our heads together, and find ways for our students to take fieldtrips with the least amount of disruption.
Our book fair was a huge success! We sold $4100 in books over 3 days, wow!! We can now use our reward money to purchase more books for the library. Thank you to those of you who helped support this cause!
Lastly, we will be holding a Remembrance Day Assembly on November 10 at 11:00 a.m. All families are welcome to attend. We look forward with great anticipation in reconnecting with our families in person.
All the best to you and your families as November is just around the corner! You can expect interim reports to be coming home in early November and don't forget about the two early dismissal days. Watch for information to be sent home by your child's teacher.
Mrs. Kooznetsoff
Principal, Brent Kennedy Elementary