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Principal's Weekly Update : June 24-27 2024


Brent Kennedy Elementary School

Parent and Family Weekly Update 

June 24-27


Here we are in the final week of the school year! Wow! Time sure does fly when you are having fun! 😊 This will be the final newsletter of the school year, so please give it a read so that you do not miss information pertaining to school wrap up and September start up. 

Kindergarten Graduation took place last week (see photo) and Grade 6 Graduation is on Monday! Congrats Grads! There is lots to look forward to and celebrate this week. 

The grade ¾ class took part in a beautiful art project that will be displayed as part of the xeriscape demonstration garden at the Crescent Valley beach and park. Thank you to the RDCK for supplying the wood and for facilitating pickup and finalizing the project for displaying in the park! The artwork, as pictured in this newsletter, will be up during the summer months for park guests to enjoy! 

Please see below for some new announcements for parents and students for the upcoming 2024/2025 school year. 

Announcements for Parents 


  • NEW Program ! 

I am very pleased to announce that starting in September 2024, Brent Kennedy will be running an After School Sport and Art Initiative (ASSAI) Program for those students who take the four late busses arriving after 2:45 pm. These busses are : Panda, Eagle, Late Lizard and Late Elephant.


The Program will begin at 2:35 dismissal and will run until 3:35 or until the last bus arrives for pickup. 


All students who ride these four late buses will take part in this after-school programming. The program will provide these students with an opportunity to engage in a variety of art and sport programming between the school bell and their bus arrival. There will be a variety of offerings throughout the year including painting, drawing, art classes, as well as sport and game programs both inside and outside and will be planned in accordance with weather and seasonal changes. 


Please contact the school if you have questions about this program. 



  • Please see message below, on behalf on Nelson Homelinks: 

The Nelson Homelinks homeschool class has several K-9 spots open for the fall. It's a program that offers 1-2 optional activity days per week. Families are welcome to choose their curricular recourses with the support of a liaison teacher to plan and organize their child's course of study. They'll also have access to our elaborate resource lending library and a student learning fund to buy their resources and help pay for extra- curricular activities.

For inquires please contact Bianca Duffy at: 250-505-7030 or                 and find more information at


  • Bus Registration Extended Until June 26th!
  • Please look at the lost and found items in the school before June 26th. Any lost and found left after the last day of school will be donated to Positive Apparel.

Information about September Start-Up

  • Please note the new Bell Schedule for the 2024/2025 school year: 
    • 8:35 – Start of Day
    • 10:20-10:40 – Morning Recess
    • 12:20-1:00 – Lunch Recess
    • 2:35 – Dismissal

Supervision will be from 8:00 am to 8:35 in the morning and from 2:35-2:50 in the afternoon. ASSAI Program will run from 2:35-3:35 for late bus students. 

First Day of School : September 3 2024 

  • Students will return to their previous homeroom class on the first day of school. For example, if your child is CURRENTLY in Mrs. Marken’s class, they will line up and go to Mrs. Marken’s class on the first day. 
  • Dismissal will be 3 hours early at 11:35. 

September 4 2024

  • Students will go back to their previous homeroom class for morning attendance. 
  • Teachers will bring students to their new classroom to meet their new teacher. 
  • Regular dismissal at 2:35pm.

Please Note: Class lists may be in flux for the first 2 weeks of school due to late registrations and/or withdrawals. Please allow for flexibility within these first 2 weeks for some potential adjustments to class placements. 


This Week and Coming Up:

June 24 : Grade 6 Graduation @ 1:00 in the gym à Parent invites have been sent.

June 25 : Fun Day (afternoon). Pizza lunch for all. 

June 26: Report Cards posted to parent portal via MyEd. BC

  • Parents will receive an automated email from MyEd. BC on June 26th indicating that report cards are ready to view on the parent portal. 

June 26 : Last day of classes (11:30 am Dismissal)

  • School Wide Celebration Assembly in the morning. 

July 1 – August 25 : School Closed for the summer. 


May your summer be blessed with happiness, fun and new memories to be made!! 

Take care and all the best to your family for a joy filled summer. We look forward to seeing you in the fall! 

Ms. Klassen


Brent Kennedy Elementary School