Principal's Weekly Update : March 3-7 2025

Brent Kennedy Elementary School
Parent and Family Weekly Update
March 3 – 7 2025
The weather is getting warmer, and the sun is shining here at Brent Kennedy! As we head into this first week of March, we can see on the horizon a transition to Spring and all of the wonderful Spring learning in store for students.
Each month, we have a celebration assembly for the whole school where we acknowledge a variety of school-wide celebrations including birthdays, acts of kindness, good citizenship and examples of friendship seen amongst students. Pink Shirt day this past week provided another excellent time to reflect on ways that our students can show kindness and respect to one another and to our school.
We have had some fantastic student volunteer helpers this past week who showed kindness to the school by offering to clean up some of the outside areas that have gotten excessively dirty over the winter. These gestures both big and small are seen and acknowledged by staff, community members and by fellow students!
See announcements below and have a great week!
Announcements for Parents
- Please send your child with a fork and spoon, if their lunch requires it. Thank you!
Announcements for Students
Beading club every Wednesday at lunch recess with Ms. Camryn in the portable for intermediate students.
Basketball Tuesday – Thursday long recess (Intermediate)
Friday soccer long recess (Primary)
Remember to get your bus pass before the end of the day!
Still Out There:
- All parents are invited to participate in the Student Learning Survey for parents. Grade 4 students will be invited to participate at school. Parents, please click this link to participate, if you’d like :
- The cancelled ski day at Whitewater will be rescheduled for March 11 2025.
- Visitor Sign In Sheet: There is a visitor sign in sheet at the main office. Please be sure to use the sign in sheet to check in and check out when visiting the school and indicate the purpose of your visit. This is to ensure that we know who is in the school at all times, in case of emergency or evacuation. Thank you!!
- Kindergarten Registration is now open! New students can submit their registration documents to the office : Registration and Transfer
- The deadline for student transfer is March 31 2025. Please find the NEW registration and transfer forms here on the district website : Registration and Transfer
- Please note the parent volunteer information listed below. All parents who volunteer in the school or classroom are required to please complete the application process annually. Completed applications and Criminal Record Checks (CRC) are kept in the office. Teachers are notified when a parent in their class completes the required application and CRC for volunteering. Please let us know if you have any questions or need assistance with this process.
- Parent Volunteer Information : Parent Volunteer Information Page
- AP 2303 : Volunteers
- If you are attending class trips or are a parent volunteer in another capacity within the school, please complete the requirements found on the website and turn forms into the school office. Thank you! (Forms must be completed in full, to have the application accepted).
- All Parent Volunteer Packages and Criminal Record Checks (CRC) must be completed ANNUALLY.
- If you volunteer at two schools, only one Application and CRC needs to be completed for both.
- When you contact the School office via phone or email, or send a note with your child, please be as detailed as possible and include:
- Students First and Last name
- Homeroom teacher
- Name of bus route (if applicable)
- Any other details pertaining to your question or request. THANK YOU!
- If you have arranged an alternate pickup arrangement for the day, please let your child’s teacher know.
- Please remind your child to keep their cell phone or other device either at home or zipped up in their backpack for the duration of the school day. Please see the bottom of page 2/ top of page 3 of the Brent Kennedy Elementary School Code of Conduct for more information on cell phones at school.
This Week and Coming Up:
March 3 : Student Learning Survey (Grade 4 only)
March 4 : Intermediate Ski Day
March 10 : PAC Meeting @ 5:30 in the library
March 11 : Intermediate Ski Day
March 14 : Term 2 Report Cards published to the portal
March 14 : March Celebration Assembly
March 17 – March 28 – Spring Break
Ms. Klassen
Brent Kennedy Elementary School