Principal's Weekly Update! May 27 - May 31 2024
Brent Kennedy Elementary School
Parent and Family Weekly Update
May 27-31
Hello all Brent Kennedy parents, families and caregivers,
It is a short week for students this week, as school staff engage in Professional Development on Monday. Highlights of this learning will include SNAP math assessment for intermediate classrooms, as well as the gathering, analyzing and sorting of data for student numeracy, literacy and social emotional learning.
Thank you to the students at Brent Kennedy for working hard to maintain calm and compassionate attitudes at school towards their classmates and peers. This helps us to create a joyful, safe, and caring environment where each learner can thrive.
A large part of the learning that happens at school is around self-awareness, and the development of skills and strategies to work through adversities both big and small. Thank you to the parents and families who help to support this learning at home.
A wrap around approach to supporting our students that involves a team of parents, teachers, administrator and student is the best way to work through challenging situations. This helps to expand the toolbox for dealings with other students and adults throughout the school day. This collaborative team approach allows us to support each child to reach their potential. Your continued support and communication is appreciated!
There are no new announcements this week.
Announcements for Parents
- Back parking lot à please leave ample space between cement barriers for cars coming in and out of the lot.
- Please keep dogs on a leash and away from playground and bussing areas, as this could raise a safety concern for our families with unfamiliar dogs on the playground and bus pick up areas. Thank you.
- Due to allergies etc. we are a scent free school. Please be mindful of this when applying sunscreens and lotions.
Announcements for Students
- Lunchtime Intermural Sport Schedule (NEW Schedule Starting MAY 21) :
- Monday : Track Practice Grades 3-6
- Tuesday: Basketball Grade 5/6
- Wednesday : Handball Grade 4-6 (Gym) and Soccer Grade K-3 (Outside)
- Thursday : Basketball Grade 5/6
- Friday : Soccer Grade K-4
- Monday : Track Practice Grades 3-6
Big THANK YOU to those teachers who help to run these intermural events!
- Reminder to not throw rocks and pinecones please. This is to keep all the children safe.
- The forest area is off limits to students before and after school.
- Students who take the bus after school are to please remain in the front of the school to wait for their bus. Students who remain after departure of the Lizard and Panda busses will be taken to the playground or gym to wait for the late busses.
Still Out There
- When sending a note to the office with your child, please include as much information as possible.
- Ex. If your child is taking the bus with another student, include bus name, other child’s full name, reason, etc.
- Ex. If your child is taking the bus with another student, include bus name, other child’s full name, reason, etc.
- Inclusive Education Procedures
- Parent Information for Special Education Designations and Inclusion of Students with Disabilities and Diverse Abilities
- This is a great document that gives parents and staff a more robust understanding of IEPs, designations and funding.
- This is a great document that gives parents and staff a more robust understanding of IEPs, designations and funding.
- Parent Information for Special Education Designations and Inclusion of Students with Disabilities and Diverse Abilities
- School Volunteer Package and Information
- All school Volunteer information and paperwork is now accessible on the school website : Volunteer Application Information
- All school Volunteer information and paperwork is now accessible on the school website : Volunteer Application Information
- After School Supervision à We provide supervision for bus students at the front entrance of the school under the covered area. Students who are not waiting for the bus or a ride home are to please leave school property when the bell rings. Our supervision is only for the entrance bussing area.
- Please be sure to call or email the school office to report and absence or late arrival of a student.
- Bussing registration for next year is OPEN. Please register before June 15th.
This Week and Coming Up:
May 27 : Pro D Day – No school for students
May 28 : Grade 6 Immunization Make Ups
May 30 : Welcome to Kindergarten Event (Part 2!)
May 31 : Track & Field Meet @ Redfish Elementary for Grade 4 and 5 Students
May 31 : BK WILD Spring Carnival Fundraiser 4pm - 8pm
June 10: BKE PAC Meeting @ 5:30 in the library
June 24 : Grade 6 Graduation @ 1:00 in the gym
June 25 : Fun Day (afternoon)
June 26 : Last day of classes (11:30 am Dismissal)
Thank you and have a great week!
Ms. Klassen
Brent Kennedy Elementary School