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School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake) announced today that Principal Jennifer Kooznetsoff will be appointed as the Principal of W.E. Graham Community School in the Slocan Family of Schools beginning August 1, 2024.  


An overview of discussion items and major decisions of the Board of Education of School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake). For meeting agendas/minutes and a schedule of upcoming board meetings visit


An overview of discussion items and major decisions of the Board of Education of School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake). For meeting agendas/minutes and a schedule of upcoming board meetings visit


An overview of discussion items and major decisions of the Board of Education of School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake). For meeting agendas/minutes and a schedule of upcoming board meetings visit


The BKES PAC is excited to offer families a chance to purchase a school spirit t-shirt.

These are the same t-shirts PAC provided to all students & staff in June, 2023. Look for the yellow order form that is came home with your child on January 29. The choices are light blue, medium blue and dark blue.

If you didn't get an order form and want one, contact the school. 


An overview of discussion items and major decisions of the Board of Education of School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake). For meeting agendas/minutes and a schedule of upcoming board meetings visit


An overview of discussion items and major decisions of the Board of Education of School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake). For meeting agendas/minutes and a schedule of upcoming board meetings visit


An overview of discussion items and major decisions of the Board of Education of School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake). For meeting agendas/minutes and a schedule of upcoming board meetings visit


School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake) announced the election by acclamation of a new chair and vice-chair of the Board of Education at the inaugural board meeting held in Nelson, B.C., on November 14. School Trustee Dawn Lang was elected uncontested as the new chair, moving into the role after serving one year as vice-chair.


An overview of discussion items and major decisions of the Board of Education of School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake). For meeting agendas/minutes and a schedule of upcoming board meetings visit

Dark blue rectangle with green and blue colour bar at the bottom, with "Board Highlights" in white text