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At Brent Kennedy Elementary, we do have children who have allergies to nuts and we are doing our best to keep them safe. We provide a Nut Aware school enviovment and have procedures in place to assist a child should they have a reaction. This is part of the School District's Policy 240 on Anaphylaxis.

Really it is a shared responsibility of the entire school community to provide this safe environment. Parents and guardians of our students are asked to respond cooperatively by not having their child bring nuts to school. 

We know this can be hard for some, as peanut butter and jam is a favourite amongst many. We do however ask that you refrain from sending these to school, as it could put another student at risk. There are some alternatives such as 'Wow Butter' which seems to taste similar to peanut butter. It is best to just not bring any nuts or candy with nuts in them to school. We appreciate your cooperation.